Thursday, 29 November 2012

a white christmas in the red rock

'Tis the season for glam glitter polish, sparkle dusted dresses, outrageous rhinestones rings and faux-fur stoles. At least that's how it looks in my Winter Wonderland. This coming Christmas my family is, yet again, attempting to escape the misery that comes with winters in this city - sheets of ice in place of roads, snow stacked driveways, and conversations of how "this -20 degrees really isn't too bad for [insert-terribly-named-and-equally-as-horribly-located-city-here]." When one's perfectly mascara'd lashes begin to freeze to what was once a nicely tanned cheek, we've got serious problems. 
So, to avoid the above mentioned catastrophic climates, we leave for two weeks each year at Christmas time to some sunshine filled state down south. For Christmas 2012, I plan on parking my soon-to-be sun kissed booty on a cushioned chaise in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona. 
But don't you miss Christmas? one might ask. My answer - No. Every resort we've ever stayed at decorates in such a way that is so whimsical and quite literally breath-taking, that you don't notice the absence of real snow on the front lawn. The one thing I think I will always miss when it comes to celebrating Christmas; waking up at the crack of dawn, racing down the stairs with my little sister in tow, and shredding apart a ridiculous amount of wrapped paper and tissues to uncover all the great little presents beneath all the fuss. Mom, our resident Santa, was a party planner in her younger days, and so "Santa's" presents were always beautifully wrapped and arranged quite picturesquely under the equally as decadent tree. 
So in the spirit of this upcoming fabulous holiday season, I've put together a few photos of mani's I'd like to try, fun festive makeup, and a few gifts I'd like to see under the Christmas-palm-tree this year! 

I've heard that people use actual aluminium foil for these type of designs....really?

LOVE this.

Essie, you tease.

I usually hate this design because it reminds of those cheap, nasty, fat, ugly gel nails... But I'm kinda feeling it....

If I ever learn how to properly apply eyeshadow, I'd love to try this.

Mum used to say, "Black don't crack." 
God this woman is gorgeous. 

Pucker up.

This is too fantastic. It reminds me of a Sheri Hill dress I saw a few years ago.

So pretty.
This is sooo my sister I can't believe it. Stocking stuffer idea?

I almost bought these off a girl I follow on instagram... 
....I can't remember why I didn't.....

Christmas Wishlist item #3!

Very Kim K.

Stumbled upon a new blogger on instagram @schultzoffical
GREAT stuff.

So classy.

Christmas Wishlist Item #4!

Happy Holidays and Happy Shopping!
love xo

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