I hate Halloween. No, let me clarify.... I really hate Halloween.
I've never been one for the ghastly and ghoulish games of this day. Call me a scardy-cat or whatever you wish, I much prefer a day of glitz and glamour and all things nice. Which is why I have never dressed up as anything even remotely terrifying (with the exception of the time I went has Hermoine Grainger and my poor little sister went as Harry Potter...).
Having said that, I love dressing up. Any excuse to get all primped and pampered is A-Okay with me.
And being the good little procrastinator that I am, I have given myself a sold five days to come up with a costume for this weekends festivities.
Oh Fashion Gods, please let there be a latex-free, semi-attractive costume at the Halloween store.
In years past, I have successfully avoided the 'Halloween Store' and made my own costumes.
2011 - Princess Jasmine
2010 - Lady Gaga
2009 - Cute Nerd
2008 - Bumblebee
2007 - Bat Girl (along with six of my girls, we made a Fab Superhero team)
2006 - GoGo Dancer
Anything that predates 2006 is just not even worth discussing....
Being a good sport, I've put together a few designs in the spirit of Halloween.
love xo